Copy of Non-LGBTQ+ Writers Sensitivity/Authenticity Reads

Script Notes for

non-LGBTQ+ writers & sensitivity reading /authenticity reading

Are you looking for script notes with a side of sensitivity reading?

Maybe you're trying to be a better ally and include lgbtq+ characters in your scripts, but find that avoiding tired tropes, sad stereotypes and cringe cliches can be like walking through a minefield.

Some of the worst ones that get the lgbtq+ community's back up include

  • Bury your gays. (Where the queer character is killed off as some sort of life lesson).
  • The Queer One & only. (Where one queer is enough. Tick that box and be done).
  • Don't say gay. (Where nobody says they're queer, or does anything queer. In fact, the only person who actually knows they're queer is not the audience, it's the writer).

Don't worry! Don't panic! I got you!

As well as offering a script notes service, I can sensitivity read your story, to make sure you're avoiding any potential lgbtq+ faux-pas.

You may also like help to add texture to your lgbtq+ characters. It's not always as simple as just letting your character label themselves. There could be details and complexities you are simply unaware of, but adding them to your script will really help bring your characters and stories to life.

I'm not here to tell you off.

You'll get no judgement from me. If you've written something that my experience leads me to believe is problematic in any way, I won't use that to make any assumptions on you as a writer or a person.

If you come to me for help, anything I point out will be done matter-of-factly. None of us can know all the issues within every minority or group of people. So I won't expect you to be aware of all the ones within the lgbtq+ community. I will highlight any issues to help your story, of course it is up to you to use my suggestions or not.

I'm a white, queer/gay non-binary person, with over 25 years living out and proud (and also some years in the closet).

I have a vast knowledge of most things lgbtq+, so if your novel has several queer characters, I can advise you on any potential problems or additions for them all.

If you're looking specifically for help with a queer male character (gay/bi/pan/non-binary), that's absolutely something I can help with you too.

If you have a more specific queer character, for instance if they are transgender, a queer woman, ace/aro, and/or a queer POC, you will be better off finding a sensitivity reader who specialises in those specific things.

Services & Prices

Here are my prices for script feedback WITH sensitivity reading, or sensitivity reads only.

If you're just looking for feedback on your script whether they are queer or not, without any authenticity reading, then click here.

  • First ten pages. £70

    At least 3 pages of feedback covering:

    Opening scenes




    Structure (which includes pace, plot and general craft notes)

    Authenticity feedback about queer characters

  • Shorts (max 20 pgs). £70

    At least 3 pages of feedback covering:

    Opening scenes




    Structure (which includes pace, plot and general craft notes)

    Authenticity feedback about queer characters

  • Outline (max 20 pages). £70

    At least 3 pages of feedback covering:

    Opening scenes



    Structure (which includes pace, plot and general craft notes)

    Authenticity feedback about queer characters

  • Half-hour Pilots. £90

    At least 5 pages of feedback covering:

    Opening scenes




    Structure (which includes pace, plot and general craft notes)

    Authenticity feedback about queer characters

  • Hour long pilots. £120

    At least 5 pages of feedback covering:

    Opening scenes




    Structure (which includes pace, plot and general craft notes)

    Authenticity feedback about queer characters

  • Features (max 120 pgs). £150

    At least 5 pages of feedback covering:

    Opening scenes




    Structure (which includes pace, plot and general craft notes)

    Authenticity feedback about queer characters

  • Sensitivity Read ONLY (script). £1/page

    For anything under 30 pages - £30

    For anything over 30 pages, £1/page

    This is purely looking at lgbtq+ characters and story ONLY. No general feedback.

    Feedback will focus on;

    Potentially damaging or problematic characters and/or their actions

    Moments that are unrealistic or dated

    Characters that lean too heavily into dodgy cliches, stereotypes & tropes

    I will also offer advice based on my experience & knowledge to help you add colour to character, and texture to scenes

  • Sensitivity Read (novel). £0.0035/word

    £0.0035 per word (roughly $0.004 although the exchange rate does vary). Subject to a minimum fee of £35.

    Feedback will focus on;

    Potentially damaging or problematic characters and/or their actions

    Moments that are unrealistic or dated

    Characters that lean too heavily into cliches, stereotypes & tropes

    I will also offer advice based on my experience & knowledge to help you add colour to character, and texture to scenes

  • Mini Sensitivity Read. £40

    I'll look at up to 10,000 words (around 4 chapters), or a specific chapter/s with lgbtq+ characters in.

    This is not as in-depth a read as a regular read as I'm not looking at the whole story or the queer character's full arc.

    I'll give you feedback on the lgbtq+ character/s in those chapters; how they come across, moments I think you could dig deeper and add more nuance, and any moments that seem inauthentic, cliche, tropey, or otherwise problematic.

    I can do this same day, as it only takes an hour or two. Check availability first though as sometimes I might not be able to get to if for a few days. 

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